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23 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Citarum Bersih, Citarum Harum

17 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Pencanangan Ekosistem DAS Citarum

Smart Nation TVCC
18 Views · 2 years ago

⁣We kayaked down the most polluted river in the world, the Citarum River and we managed to convince Indonesian President Widodo to clean it up!

"The Citarum river, in 7 years, will be the cleanest river." - Indonesian President Widodo

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Smart Nation TVCC
29 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The Citarum River is the most polluted river in the world. Meet the man who has been trying to clean it up for decades.

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Smart Nation TVCC
43 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Sewage treatment is the process of removing contaminants from municipal wastewater, containing mainly household sewage plus some industrial wastewater. Physical, chemical, and biological processes are used to remove contaminants and produce treated wastewater (or treated effluent) that is safe enough for release into the environment. A by-product of sewage treatment is a semi-solid waste or slurry, called sewage sludge. The sludge has to undergo further treatment before being suitable for disposal or application to land.

Smart Nation TVCC
12 Views · 2 years ago

⁣We kayaked down the world's most polluted river, the Citarum River, to raise awareness about plastic pollution.

With more than 15 million people living on the Citarum River, many of them rely on their water supply. It is imperative that change happens to this once pristine Indonesian river.

Share and spread our video! #PlasticBottleCitarum

Directed and Produced by Gary Bencheghib and Sam Bencheghib
Camera by Hasbi Sipahutar
Music by Gary Bencheghib, John Ruskey and Sitompul Sisters

A Make A Change Production

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54 Views · 2 years ago

⁣WEBINAR CITARUM - Citarum Menuju Pemenuhan Baku Mutu Air Limbah Domestik - IATPI Jawa Barat


16 Views · 2 years ago

Artha Graha Peduli

Smart Nation TVCC
39 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Every year huge areas of Jakarta are flooded as heavy rain forces the district's 900 rivers to overflow. The Indonesian government wants to stop that with a multi-million-dollar programme to widen rivers to better handle the annual deluge of rain. However, the scheme means families who have lived their entire lives near rivers will have to move. Al Jazeera's Nicole Johnston reports from Jakarta.

Smart Nation TVCC
16 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Faced with a health emergency after decades of failed clean-up efforts, Jakarta is now stepping in with a seemingly impossible goal: make the Citarum's water drinkable by 2025. The World Bank declared it the most-polluted river in the world a decade ago, a description widely picked up by media and environmentalists. It regularly appears on most-polluted lists alongside India's Ganges river, the Mississippi river in the United States and China's Yellow river. Research has shown it has alarming levels of toxic chemicals, including 1,000 times more lead than the US standard for safe drinking water.

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Smart Nation TVCC
49 Views · 2 years ago

⁣It's a topic we'd rather not think about, where does last nights dinner go when we flush it down the drain? While you may already be grossed out just thinking about it, this question leads way to a significant subset of civil engineering and a massive amount of public funding.

This video has been updated! Watch the updated version here:

Just like all dogs go to heaven, all drains in a city lead to a wastewater treatment plant where that wastewater gets turned back into water that we can drink.

Now, you may be thinking that you'd rather just let bygones be bygones and not think about this nasty part of real life, but here's the thing. Chances you've drunk water that was waste at some point... So, you might want to take some time to understand the engineering process that makes dirty water, clean.


Isolated galaxy data visualization created by the Advanced Visualization Lab, National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Scientific simulation by Nathan Goldbaum, Mark Krumholz, and John Forbes.

A big thank you to the Kilgore Wastewater Treatment Plant for letting me come out and film.

Another big thank you to Dr. Low and LeTourneau University's Civil Engineering Department for helping coordinate the capture of this video.

All images courtesy of Creative Commons or protected under Fair Use. For questions or concerns about the use of any media, please contact the page directly.

Smart Nation TVCC
8 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The Citarum River is the most polluted river in the world and everybody needs to experience this river to truly understand the scope of the pollution crisis. We are grateful to have had our friends Bye Bye Plastic Bags and Avani come join us for a day during our expedition down the Citarum River.

For more of our work at Make A Change, visit:
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Smart Nation TVCC
24 Views · 2 years ago

Terdapat 2.000 industri yang berada di sekitar Sungai Citarum, 280 ton per hari limbah cair industri dibuang ke Sungai Citarum.

Smart Nation TVCC
6 Views · 2 years ago

⁣This Indonesian village has turned its dirty polluted waterways into clean fish ponds, and now its neighbours want to do the same. They showed Al Jazeera how they did it.

Smart Nation TVCC
17 Views · 2 years ago

⁣A clean-up of one of the world's most polluted rivers is taking longer than expected.
Every day, about 20,000 tonnes of waste and 340,000 tonnes of wastewater are dumped in the Chittarum in Indonesia.
Al Jazeera's Florence Looi reports from Bandung, in West Java, on why it's such a tough job.

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Smart Nation TVCC
18 Views · 2 years ago

⁣One of the world’s dirtiest rivers is being cleaned up. Thousands of soldiers are being deployed in an ambitious project to make the water of the Citarum in Indonesia drinkable in the next seven years.

Al Jazeera's Step Vaessen reports from Citarum on how factories are still using it as a dump for chemical waste.

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Smart Nation TVCC
14 Views · 2 years ago

Sungai Citarum terbentang 297 km dari Situ Cisanti (Kabupaten Bandung) hingga Muara Gembong (Kabupaten Bekasi). Citarum melintasi 13 kabupaten/kota di Jawa Barat. Seiring dengan pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk yang mencapai +/- 18 juta jiwa di sekitar DAS Citarum terjadi eksploitasi ruang, pencemaran sumber air, dan alih fungsi lahan.

Citarum sakit terbebani pencemaran berat.

Smart Nation TVCC
18 Views · 2 years ago

Fakta-Fakta Sungai Citarum:
1. Sungai terpanjang dan terbesar di Jawa barat
2. Memiliki 3 PLTA (PLTA Jatiluhur, PLTA Saguling, dan PLTA Cirata)
3. Sungai Paling Tercemar di Dunia

Upaya Pemerintah:
1. Membentuk Satgas Citarum dengan program Citarum Harum
2. Mengajak masyarakat untuk tidak membuang sampah ke sungai, melakukan kegiatan penanaman pohon, tidak membuang air bekas cucian dan mandi ke sungai, dan lain sebagainya.

Smart Nation TVCC
37 Views · 2 years ago

Data dan Fakta Sungai Citarum:

Terdapat 44 sungai besar di Jawa Barat dan Sungai Citarum merupakan sungai terpanjang dengan panjang 297 km.

Ironi Citarum di mata dunia:

- Daily Mail (Its Thus The Most Populated River)
- World Bank menyebutkan bahwa Sungai Citarum sebagai sungai tercemar di dunia.

Smart Nation TVCC
17 Views · 2 years ago


Fitur Dashboard PPK DAS Citarum

Showing 19 out of 27