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56 Views · 2 years ago

Laporan Gempa Bumi Cianjur

Smart Nation TVCC
56 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Sentra UMKM Batik Simkuring Beras Pandanwangi

54 Views · 2 years ago

Silaturahmi Idul Fitri 1443H

Smart Nation TVCC
54 Views · 1 year ago

Masjid yang berasal dari rancangan Ridwan Kamil ini ⁣memiliki keindahan Jatigede Sumedang.
Masjid ini unik dari segi bangunan yang berbentuk bunga teratai yang sedang mekar, selain itu juga pemandangannya begitu bagus melihat waduk Jatigede dan bukit bukit.

Smart Nation TVCC
53 Views · 2 years ago

⁣ #CitarumHarum
Bagaimana komitmen terkait penanganan limbah industri di sekitar Sungai Citarum? PT Kahatex Cijerah telah menjalankan IPAL-nya untuk mengurangi limbah yang masuk ke Sungai Citarum.

Lima orang teknisi ditugaskan untuk mengawal setiap proses pengolahan limbah, baik dari pengolahan air minum hingga limbah cair yang terbuang. Mari kita ikut berkontribusi untuk Citarum bebas limbah.

#KembalikanHarumCitarum #CitarumHarum

Situs Resmi:

Smart Nation TVCC
53 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Menjelajahi Indahnya Pantai Karangsong Indramayu

52 Views · 2 years ago

Datacomm adalah perusahaan yg bergerak sebagai Sistem Integrator yang telah berpengalaman selama 32 tahun. Saat ini datacomm mulai mengembangkan bisnis dalam bisnis cloud.

52 Views · 2 years ago

⁣We decided to pick 'flood' as our topic because floods occur frequently and often appear in the news. Preventing floods hasn't been carried out seriously. As a result, floods still happen and give a bad impact on the victims. Therefore, we chose this theme to give as an education for the society or community and the government to pay better attention to and reaffirm efforts to prevent flooding.

Group member:
- Anggun Ayuni Nurislami (02)
- Hesti Nurwanti (11)
- Lisna Nur Azizah Salsabila (14)
- Shafiqa Aliya Harahap (29)

Class: XI Social 2

Smart Nation TVCC
52 Views · 1 year ago


52 Views · 9 months ago

Video yang menampilakn konten untuk TVCC, sebuah IoT BroadCaster

51 Views · 2 years ago

Potensi Desa Kenanga Sindang

Smart Nation TVCC
51 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Sentra UMKM Bunga Pikok

Smart Nation TVCC
50 Views · 1 year ago

Command Center Kabupaten Cirebon

Smart Nation TVCC
49 Views · 2 years ago

Future Skill pertemuan 7 - Smart & Sustainable Village : Laporan Perkembangan Project Smart Village di Kampung Wisata Tenun Khatulistiwa

Bagi Kamu yang memiliki perhatian dan ketertarikan pada pemanfaatan teknologi digital untuk pembangunan desa, kelas ini sangat tepat untuk Kamu! Program yang dikembangkan dalam kelas ini menggabungkan antara pendekatan teoritis dan praktis. Mahasiswa akan melakukan implementasi inovasi teknologi untuk pembangunan desa secara langsung. Kelas ini dikembangkan oleh para pakar pembangunan smart city yang telah pengalaman panjang dalam program pendampingan pembangunan daerah di seluruh Indonesia.

Smart Nation TVCC
49 Views · 2 years ago

Selamat datang di Citiasia Land!

Smart Nation TVCC
49 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Wastewater treatment process and preliminary treatment of wastewater - This lecture explains about the wastewater treatment process overview. This explains about the preliminary treatment of wastewater including the preliminary wastewater treatment methods like screening and grit removal process. In this video Suman Bhattacharjee will guide you through a typical wastewater treatment plant to explain the process of wastewater treatment in details. Explaining the overview of primary treatment of wastewater, secondary treatment of wastewater, tertiary or chemical treatment of wastewater and then the overview of solids handling in a typical wastewater treatment plant facility.
Know more about the wastewater treatment plant and wastewater treatment process with this video lecture.
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Thank you for watching the video lecture on wastewater treatment process overview including the preliminary treatment of wastewater. Keep watching the wastewater treatment lecture 1.

Smart Nation TVCC
49 Views · 2 years ago

Smart Branding bertujuan untuk mempromosikan nilai sebuah kota atau daerah kepada warga, wisatawan, maupun pelaku bisnis. Penerapan Smart Branding ditujukan melalui tiga sub dimensi yaitu ekosistem bisnis, ekosistem pariwisata, dan penataan wajah kota.

Smart Nation TVCC
48 Views · 2 years ago

⁣451.493 x ditonton 3 Feb 2013
This lecture explains about the Wastewater treatment process and industrial wastewater management with sewage treatment.

Download the study materials here-

Sewage treatment is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater and household sewage, both runoff (effluents), domestic, commercial and institutional. It includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove physical, chemical and biological contaminants. Its objective is to produce an environmentally safe fluid waste stream (or treated effluent) and a solid waste (or treated sludge) suitable for disposal or reuse (usually as farm fertilizer). Using advanced technology it is now possible to re-use sewage effluent for drinking water, although Singapore is the only country to implement such technology on a production scale in its production of NEWater.[2] Source of the article published in description is Wikipedia. I am sharing their material. © by original content developers of Wikipedia.

48 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Sambutan Ketua Kwarcab Indramayu pada Launching Program Kepramukaan AYUTVCC

47 Views · 2 years ago

Dzikir Pagi sesuai tuntunan Sunnah

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